Where God's love fuels the Mission...

“Shut out every other consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only—

My Utmost for His Highest"


Utmost Academy - Foundations

Welcome to Utmost Academy!

After 13 years of homeschooling my three children while working another part-time "career," I fell in love with watching students take on their own challenges and renew their confidence to take the next step forward in their journey, from academics to their walk with God.

At Utmost Academy, I am  privileged to work alongside a team of wonderful, dedicated, and gifted tutors and families who all share this common vision and heart for your students as well as their own. We never grow tired of the process of watching young people gain a deeper relationship with academics, the created world, and their Heavenly Father. 

As our organization grows to serve more and more students in the tri-cities area,  we are excited to work alongside families like yours. Our mission is to help students excel through instruction, Biblical wisdom, and encouragement while challenging them to grow in dignity, courage, and perseverance.  We thank you for the opportunity to serve your family this year.

Ms. Deb

Mission Statement 

Utmost Educators, dba Utmost Academy, is a 501(c)3 non-profit, religious academic organization. The mission of Utmost Academy is to glorify Jesus Christ by supporting homeschooling families in central Virginia. We will do this through providing and  promoting a wide range of educational, extracurricular, and athletic opportunities that  ultimately enhance the spiritual well-being of those children, their families, and our  community. 

Statement of Faith - click link

Statement of Faith