Jenn Sharp
My pursuit of God’s glory and my love of science have led me to this opportunity to teach General Science at Utmost Academy. I’ve taught God’s Word to children from ages 3-12 for 15 years. Most recently, I have been blessed and have learned much while teaching 9-12 year olds for 2 hours each week while studying the book of Daniel and Revelation with Community Bible Study.
I earned a bachelors of science in animal and poultry science at Virginia Tech in 1998 and a masters of science from the Virginia/Maryland Regional college of Veterinary medicine in 2002. I met and married my husband at Tech during my graduate studies. The Lord then provided a full time position as a scientist at the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services of Virginia where I used my research and laboratory experience to help determine causes of food-borne outbreaks. While working at the state laboratory, I was promoted to a senior scientist position in the food microbiology department. After working at the state laboratory for 10 years, the Lord Jesus clearly called me home to disciple and educate our 3 children. This is my eleventh year of homeschooling and my first senior will graduate in June 2022. God’s faithfulness has kept me in awe of His works of wonder both in my life and in His world around us. I enjoy sharing my faith while working fervently to advance God’s kingdom.
“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31
GRADES: 9-12
Day/Time: Thursday; Period: 4-5A (12:30-2pm)
Course Description: BIO-912
This biology curriculum with labs from Masterbooks begins with a review of chemical principles needed for biology, including the biology of water, and concludes with human origins.
This course provides important training and practice in developing skills involved in the study of biology, including observing and recognizing interactions and interdependencies of organisms in their natural environment, the use of a light microscope, dissection skills, and insights and recent advances in modern biology.
Through this study of biology, your high school student will learn how we are created in God’s image with an eternal destiny rather than being the sum product of natural laws acting upon atoms and molecules. This course reveals the variations in humans today had their roots in the DNA of two humans (Adam and Eve) and give glory to God for this wonder of life.
Course Objectives:
Investigate the core concepts of classical and modern biology
Become familiar with the meaning of key terms in biology
Explore the fundamental concepts of cell biology and important recent developments
Study the development of classical genetics and modern concepts in the expression of DNA and how it varies with age and changing environmental conditions
Learn the coordination and maintenance of the parts of an organism
Study the variety of life forms and how their roles are integrated in an ecosystem
Explore varied views of the origin of life and how the biblical narrative is consistent with what is observed in the study of biology
Conduct laboratory procedures that develop important skills and illustrate important concepts
Write lab reports each week to further develop writing skills in a scientific context
Course Credit - This is a one-year course helping the student fulfill one credit of biology, which includes the lab.
Required Texts: Master’s Class High School Biology, Master's Class High School Biology (Teacher Guide) SKU# M152-6-SET, and Biology Through a Microscope (Lab Book) SKU# MB191-5
Minimum: 5 students
Materials fee: $50 - Due at first class directly to tutor by personal check made payable to Jenn Sharp).
Tuition Cost: $65/month for 9 months