Deborah Guy
I am a lifelong student who loves learning, and who loves to teach even more. My path through college included pre-veterinary studies, a brief encounter with engineering which took me through calculus 2, then on to liberal arts with a focus in psychology and Spanish for my B.S. in Liberal Arts from UF. My next turn took me into the dental hygiene program, earning an A.S. degree. I later entered graduate school (also at UF: Go Gators!) in entomology & nematology, until my first son was born. I always say that I haven't been bored a day since! Although I practiced in the field of dentistry for 27 years as a "career", I will never stop learning. After 13 years of homeschooling my 3 children, I fell in love with teaching just about anything, but my greatest passion is teaching my students, as I did my children, to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
K-1st Grade
Day/time: Monday; Period: 4th
**Students must be able to count to 20 and write numbers 1-10 correctly. Work on these skills over summer to help your child prepare for this class.
Course Description: MTH-1
Alpha focuses on teaching the concepts of single digit addition and subtraction.
We use systematic teaching strategies to help students commit the addition and subtraction facts to memory.
Major concepts mastered include place value, single-digit addition and subtraction, and solving for the unknown addend.
Additional topics include time (hours and minutes), shapes, measurement (length), skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s, word problems and understanding halves and fourths.
The Alpha Student Pack contains the Student Workbook with lesson-by-lesson worksheets, systematic review pages, and Application and Enrichment pages as well as Alpha Tests.
Tuition: $50/month for 9 months
Required texts:
Math-U-See Alpha Student Pack (workbook & tests)--must be NEW
Math-U-See Alpha Instruction Manual (textbook)--used copy is fine