Dawn Helton
Hello! I have been married for over 24 years and have 4 children. I started my homeschooling adventure over 10 years ago when we pulled our oldest out of public school. I quickly learned that I loved being a lead learner and started teaching Classical Conversations beginning with Foundations and then adding in Essentials (a writing and grammar program). I currently teach writing at Homeschool Connect and substitute at North Point Christian Academy in various grades. In my spare time, I ride rescue as an Attendant in Charge at Bensley Bermuda Vol. Rescue Squad where I am also Vice President. My family and I love serving at our home church Western Heights Baptist Church and spending time together. I look forward to investing in your child’s homeschool journey and helping them develop a lifelong love of learning.
Language Arts & History
Day/Time: Monday; Period: 1st
Course Description: LA-HIS4
This class will focus on grammar, usage, and mechanics and alternates with units on the writing process with writing assignments that include a book review, a compare/contrast essay, a research report, and creative writing opportunities. Topics
and skills include lessons on sentences, writing a personal narrative, nouns, writing a friendly letter with instructions, verbs, study/ reference skills, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, business letters, phrases, clauses, and poetry.
In History, we will look at Integrating civics, culture, economics, and geography, by studying US history from the first Americans through WWII. We will accomplish this through Photographs, illustrations, maps, timelines, and notes highlighting themes of geography, American history, government, economics, world history, and culture.
Required Text:
BJU English 4 Student Text 3 rd edition
Copy/Supply fee: $35.00 (made payable to Dawn Helton at Orientation or the first class
Minimum: 5 students
Tuition: $50/month for 9 months