Jordan Kincaid

Jordan Kincaid is an illustrator from Richmond Virginia.  She is very fond of illustrating monsters, maidens, fairytales, and anything girly!  Some of her wonderful clients include: Owlcrate, Alchemy and Ink,

Witchcrownbox, Booksnleaf, Bucherbuchse, Maverick, McGraw Hill Education, Pearson, Oxford University Press, and Harper Collins.  Growing up Jordan was an artsy and different kid.  When teaching, she encourages her students to embrace their differences and express themselves through their work.  She takes the verses Psalm 139:13-14 to heart. “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”  When she is not illustrating or teaching she spends her spare time with her loving boyfriend and her cat.

Creative Writing

GRADE LEVEL: 9th - 12th

Day/Time: Wednesday; Period: 1

Course Description: WRI-CR

Students in Creative Writing will write poems, short stories, scripts, comic strips, and explore other types of writing that express creativity. We will also go over creating believable characters and crafting the worlds they are from. This will be achieved through writing and studying various fictional media.

Supply fee: $15.00 (check written to Jordan Kincaid at first class)

Minimum: 5 students

Tuition: $60/month for 9 months